
Free Interactive Presentation Maker Focusky Guarantees a Smooth Communication

Thesis is very important for a graduate because to some extent, it represents what you learn in four-year University. In European countries, the students are encouraged to learn by themselves. They have many seminars and meetings. The class is student-orientation and they are free to share their ideas through the spoken language with the help of the PowerPoint sometimes. I have to admit that PowerPoint helps a lot if there isn't other better presentation software available. Recently I find the free interactive presentation maker can create other stunning effects to make your presentation more perfect and furthermore make your ideas clear to your partners or teachers.

Picture Edition Beautifies the Whole Interface
If you think you just can insert pictures to your presentation and add the presentation effects to your pictures, you are out of date. Our software Focusky can change the shape of the picture, such as ellipse, rectangle, square and so on. In addition, you can add the border of the picture and most importantly, you can change the border’s color to fit in the background of your presentation.

3D Presentation Effect Engages Your Audiences
You can choose the 3D presentation templates to make your presentation alive. That is to say, you are not only allowed to zoom in and zoom out the contents and pictures, but also allowed to add dynamic elements in your presentation. The audiences and viewers will appreciation your bold try.

Path Edition Makes Your Ideas Logical

You can arrange your presentation contents in a logical order, which will make your ideas clear to your audiences. You can add or delete the slide in the path of discovery. Also if you want to zoom in the pictures or texts in the previous slide, what you need to do is to click the “adding path” button and adjust the order of the new slide.


Using Free Presentation Tool Focusky to Create Perfect Presentations

Whether you are giving a public speech to audiences or delivering a project to your clients, a succinct and informative presentation is vital for you to attract their attentions. The secret of giving an effective presentation relies not only on the presenters themselves but on the presentation designs and effects, which can be greatly improved by the free presentation tool. You can choose multiple templates to design your files, create stunning transition effects and publish your files in various formats. The whole effect they create is beyond your imagination.

Multiple Templates
There are many online templates you can choose in our software. Whether you want to give a presentation to your subordinates or your competitors, you can find the fittest one in our defaulted templates. What’s more, you are not limited to choose the 2D templates, you are able to design your layout and add your own logo in our 3D templates. The whole atmosphere of your presentation will become more and more attractive and fascinating.

Stunning Transition Effect
The PowerPoint can only create the entrance transition effects, such as bounce in, fade in left and so on. But Focusky can not only create the entrance transition effects, but also the exit transition effects and the emphasis effects. For example, if you want to emphasize on the title or the subtitle, you can add the emphasis transition effects to them. Your presentation will become more stunning and amazing with the help of these transition effects.

Online and Offline Publishing

You can publish your presentations to local and cloud in different formats, such as HTML, ZIP, APP, EXE and Video format. Once you publish your presentation online, your viewers will look at your presentation as long as they are available to internet without download any software. Supposing you are a businessman and your viewers hold the same managing strategies with you, you will be surprised to find a business partner without any promotion. 



  排隊、等人、堵車……每天有數不清的無聊時間需要打發,您會做什麼?想趁機學習些知識了解些時政,想趁機翻閱書本雜誌,無奈它們太笨重占的空間太大,每次打開折疊放回原處您總覺得麻煩。怎麼辦,有解決方法嗎?當然有。如果同樣的內容,能呈現在隨身攜帶的智能手機上,既方便閱讀又方便攜帶,對上文提到的問題來說,不失為一個兩全其美的方案。這就是為什麼翻頁電子書如此受歡迎的原因。很多人想自己製作翻頁電子書,但卻不知從何做起。事實是,只要手邊有目標內容的PDF文檔,輔以 Flip PDF Professional 軟體,不需任何程式代碼知識,人人都可製作出個性化的可翻頁電子書。

  在軟體頁面導入單個或多個PDF文檔,為電子書選擇心儀的背景和主題,經頁面的多種編輯操作后,就可轉換成多彩的電子出版物,比如多媒體數位雜誌、生活記錄畫冊、產品宣傳型錄、電子樓書等。軟體除了可以製作翻頁書外,還支援把製作完成的電子書直接發佈分享到各大社交平台,方便瀏覽者分享互動。此外,軟體頁面有賬戶登錄按鈕,使用者可以點擊登錄Flip builder 雲端,把電子書上傳到自己的專屬賬戶上,系統會自動默認電子書只對用戶可見,用戶可在賬戶內對自己上傳的電子書進行分類和管理。



Free Presentation Maker for Mac Focusky Increases Your Potential Audiences

Do you like to watch the Oscar Academy? It is an effective way to get the latest information about the best movies in a certain year. But sometimes it is a hot potato for us non-native speakers to recognize all the actors, actresses and directors. The presentation show they display is quite simple and less informative because they have to maintain the cool presentation effects. Free presentation maker for mac not only can help you to strengthen the cool effects but also help you to present the necessary information to the non-native audience. I believe this software Focusky can help you to increase the traffic of this Academy for its zooming effect, text edition and its subscription function.

Zooming Effect to Cool Your Presentation
Cool Zooming effect can be created by our software to make your presentation stunning and unique. You can zoom in or zoom out to edit and present your contents. Your can emphasize on the necessary information you want to deliver. Your audiences will appreciate your presentation more as long as you try to make something different among your peers.

Text Edition to Add Necessary Information
There are different fonts you can choose. What’s more, you can choose different fonts colors, zoom in and zoom out the fonts, add animation and transition effects to the fonts. We devoted to making you fonts presentation in an original and amazing way.

Subscription to Increase Traffic of Oscar Academy
If your audiences can get the needed information from your presentation, they would like to subscribe your account, which saves their time and energy. Once you upload something new or different, they would be the first one to watch it. So why not enrich your digital contents in your presentation and attract more potential audiences for your show?

Of course, these functions can be achieved both in windows and Mac operating system. Your audiences can attach your presentation anywhere anytime.